Our projects


Food program, Kenya. 2019 – 2020.

  • We raised SEK 67 000 (6700 euros) to Ebenezer Academy.
  • We hired a cook, bought groceries and served food for the entire year.
  • More than 150 students were able eat every day.


Construction of classrooms, Kenya. 2020 – 2021.

  • We raised SEK 30 000 (3000 euros) to Ebenezer Academy.
  • We hired construction workers during the pandemic.
  • We built five new classrooms to maintain social distance.


Village savings and loans, Malawi. 2022.

  • SEK 10 000 (1000 euros) was donated to different support groups who are living with HIV/AIDS positive.
  • Many of these farmers lost their land, crops and livestocks during the cyclone Anna February 2022.
  • The money was invested in their village savings and loan system.
  • Each member have the opportunity to take a loan for creating a business and a sustainable living.
  • At the end of the year the total amount is shared between all members.